Showing posts with label the Groundhogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Groundhogs. Show all posts

Friday, December 7, 2018

Remember Pearl Harbor

Remember Pearl Harbor and remember too, that like Hitler, the Japanese didn't think Americans had the stomach for a fight. They were wrong.

The Chinese might think the same today as they expand into the Pacific; one part of a broader attempt to achieve imperial status, and you can't blame them. 

Past US administrations were in the habit of bowing to the Chicom mandarins, whether literally or otherwise. Which brings us to the elite globalists in charge of Europe.

They figured they had the indigenous populace down, that the people were tame to being transformed into a third world workforce. And, like the Japanese vision of America on December 7 1941, were too degenerate and ignorant to fight back.

You can see why this crew of malfeasants thought like this, all the evidence pointed that way. Until it didn't. The Rising Sun didn't look so bright on VJ Day, 2 September 1945, Trump doesn't bow to China and the French are rising up against their elitist, NWO rulers.

Who'd have thought it. America was safely in the Illuminati Sac Magique, Hillary was going to win and France, right in the heartland of the neo-lib project was safely in the rainbow wheelie. But no. 

Pay-to-Play Hillary didn't get elected and the French are busy firebombing tax collection offices while Macron's deploying armored vehicles in Paris. But here's a question. 

What side of the equation do the people who enforce the government's dictates side with, where do they come from; the people who go to cocktail parties at G-20, Davos and Georgetown or somewhere else?

If I was Macron or May I'd be scared, right about now. Stay tuned for peasants' revolts in the UK and everywhere else.

Peace and Love,


Saturday, November 7, 2015

The March of the Lees

What do you do, on a chill November night in rain drenched Texas, where we're badly losing the War on Weather? Start on a new Lee Enfield project, of course.

For me, that means coming to grips with an old No. 4 Mk.1, which started off life as a battle rifle in 1943 and was brought back to the US, where it was sporterized. I bought it from a friend a few years ago and haven't used it much. So what's going to happen to this gun? First things first, take off the wood.

Then admire your rifle as it sits on the bench, complete with 10 round magazine, rear micro sight and silky smooth action. All the better for rapid firing the venerable .303 Brit. Next step, get a new stock, perhaps from Boyd's, shorten and re-crown the barrel, then fit a forward mounted rail. The idea being to create a handy truck/scout rifle.

Typical Texas Scene, Apart From Absence of Lee Enfields

Now some people are critical of Jeff Cooper's concept and with good reason, but if you have an old rifle sitting around that could meet the criteria, well, why not put it to good use? 

Shoot the Lee,


Monday, May 11, 2015

Hog Poetry

I know, I know, it's been a long while since I posted a hog poem and I apologize for that. But here's something, inspired by Manhattan Infidel.

“Master thyself, then others shall thee beare”
     Pull down thy vanity
Thou art a beaten hog beneath the hail,
A swollen magpie in a fitful sun,
Half black half white
Nor knowst’ou wing from tail
Pull down thy vanity
     How mean thy hates
Fostered in falsity,
     Pull down thy vanity,
Rathe to destroy, niggard in charity,
Pull down thy vanity,
     I say pull down the trigger,
And slay the hog.

With no apologies to Mr. Pound.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Duke, You Lose, We Win

A Typical Day at Duke

That was quick. Duke  has cancelled its plans to broadcast the Islamic call to prayer on its libleft campus of higher dhimmitude.

Friends of Duke

On behalf of all the team here at the Compound, I'd like to thank everyone who contributed to our victory over the rich socialists at Harvard's evil little sister, Duke. But remember, this is one battle in what will assuredly be a long war.

Carry on,


Monday, September 22, 2014

Horsing Around

Some of my parishioners are afraid I'll come off the horse(s) and die. "Don't go so fast, Padre!" they say. They are serious horse people.


I reply, "Don't worry, if things get tippy I'll just hold onto the pommel thing." 

"Saddle horn," they reply.

Grace Slick

Walk, trot, canter, gallop, run!

Arm the Kurds.